Remember your day with a custom, intimate video of your most precious moments.
Our videography team has years of unmatched experience and a comprehensive understanding of what it takes to produce an exceptional wedding video which set us apart from the rest. Just like our finest candid photographers, our videographers focus on the emotions of the day to capture all of those precious little moments you’ll want to remember forever. Using only the newest technology available, we offer traditional and cinematic-style wedding videos in full HD resolution for a perfect playback on any screen of any size!
Our video department has more than 25 years of production experience utilizing industry-leading video equipment as well as the latest video editing software. Our workflow combines quality and value to provide the best product we can offer on a budget that our competitors simply can’t beat. This, in collaboration with our unobtrusive photo-journalistic style, works seamlessly with any wedding style!
All of our collections are fully customizable so you can create the perfect package to fit your needs. A second videographer can be added to any collection.
Second videographer available for up to 6 continuous hours and includes second preparation shoot
Before the Wedding Day
Day of Wedding
The perfect addition to your wedding video… choose photos of your relationship, childhood years, family and friends. We’ll set them to the music of your choice in a memorable montage on your final video. We can even show it at your reception! (50-photo minimum)
Add on additional videographers, hours, or disc copies. Also available as an add-on is raw footage of dancing, video projection & screen with BluRay player, and a 70″ Flat-Panel Video Display with BluRay player (on continuous loop).
Documentary-style wedding videos capture the events of the day as they unfold, naturally and without much or any involvement from the videographer. The film is professionally edited and contains all your major events in their entirety, chronologically and in chaptered form.
Our collections include either a Highlight Reel or Featurette that artfully encapsulate the day. The Highlight Reel in the Silver collection is a three to five-minute video compilation of the day’s special moments set to music. The Featurette in the Gold Collection is a six to eight-minute enhanced presentation with the addition of cinematic shots and live audio highlights.
Most couples recognize that these types of videos feel more like a “movie”. Cinematic-style wedding films are shot so that their main focus is emotion which is often conveyed with a mixture of lenses, camera technique and movement, lighting, inter-layered audio, music and specialized editing. There is more involvement from the cinematographers to help create moments that tell your story as a couple and the video is shot by two people to show both perspectives of the couple.
Unlike a documentary-style video, cinematic films are often not edited in a chronological order. Scenes from different parts of the day combine to create an emotional, personal storytelling experience. Our Cinematic collections include a Feature Film, a 10 to 15-minute love-story mini-movie with enhanced cinematic scenes and live audio highlights, as well as the documentary-style footage from your major events in chaptered form.
Each of our films is inspired entirely by the couple to ensure a completely unique film capturing the events of your special day. Our wedding videographers are trained to listen and hone in on your style so they can accurately build a shot list that will represent your aesthetic.
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